By investing in SEO optimisation, you increase the chances of people finding your website and connecting with your content. Here's how to use our SEO plugin for your Silverstripe website.
You can find the editable fields for your page metadata in the login area of your CMS.
This provides an example of how search engines will display your page in their results. If they are set, this content is pulled from your meta title and description, otherwise Google will pull content from your page.
A meta title and description are crucial for a webpage as they serve as the initial impression to potential visitors in search engine results, influencing their decision to click.
The meta title should be concise, accurately reflecting the page's content while incorporating relevant keywords for improved visibility.
The meta description should be compelling, succinctly summarising the page's content and enticing users to click through by offering a glimpse into what they can expect to find.
On frequently shared pages, eg the homepage, it is important to add a relevant social image. This image will appear in the social post.
A keyword meta tag can be added via the custom tags section.
By default we have excluded development sites from being indexed. The live site is automatically indexed. When new pages are created it can take some time for Google to find these, but this is done organically.
You can add a manual schema to your webpages. What is a schema?
Talk to us about setting up schemas to assist Google in displaying rich results via structured data, such as for articles, events or job listings.
By default all pages are included in the sitemap with default settings.. It is possible to exclude pages or trigger a more frequent update.
Optimise website content
Improve your website's visibility and ranking in a search engine results page with some of these handy content tips.
Use short descriptive, and keyword-rich URLs that accurately reflect the content of each page. The URL will automatically be updated to match your page name if you tab out of the page name field.
It is also possible to edit the URL if you want something specific.
Use keywords relevant to your content and place them strategically in your headlines, subheadings, and throughout your text.
An example from our website blog area where we have included keywords to make our content more visible in Google:
Include header tags (H1, H2, etc.) in your content. These tags help to provide context for search engines.
- Each page needs an H1, this is sometimes added by the page template.
- The hierarchy of your headings is important. Headings should be logically ordered, used in descending order and should not skip levels
An example from our website blog area where we have structured our page headings:
To set a heading in the CMS we all know to select the text and choose from the paragraph options. But, we have added the ability to also adjust the style of the heading. So if the heading needs to be an H4 to keep the hierarchy, but you would like it to be bigger, you can set the style in the Format dropdown. This will result in a H4 for SEO that has the appearance of an H2.
Social media call to action (CTA) such as shares and likes can help search engines determine the popularity and relevance of your content.