It's our birthday week! Wehooo. Check out what the PS team has to say...
It's our birthday week! Wehooo. To celebrate our 12th Birthday we've decided to get a wee bit personal and share some thoughts about what we're all grateful for during the lockdown. Check out what the PS team has to say...
In the past couple of weeks I have developed a strong bond with our coffee machine. We spend time together (2-3 times a day), it’s fantastic. We inspire each other to do great things.
I am also grateful to work with super cool staff and clients. These relationships help make my bubble way bigger, and it’s nice to know we can still help in these times!
It’s also been cool spending more time with the family and having more time to explore our neighbourhood. Loads of fun bike rides and walks - lucky the weather has been amazing.
I am super grateful to live in NZ, for sunny days and our amazing PS team. Luckily we have been able to keep working during lockdown and everyone has been so supportive. Whilst being physically separated, we are such a close team - Love you guys!
I also feel very lucky to live close to the beach. Over the past 4 weeks the weather has been epic! Everyday I am taking my kids out for either biking adventures or decent walks. The quality time and vitamin D does us all wonders!

I’m grateful for the marvel of the world wide web, which means I still get to work with my team and talk with my friends. I’m grateful that I’m surrounded by trees, and a pile of projects to do round the house. And I’m grateful that I’m locked in with people (well, person and cat) that I love.
I’m grateful for my virtual “Saturday night quiz night” with my friends. A new “bubble” hosts the evening each Saturday night and it’s filled with laughter and great chat which helps make this abnormal time seem relatively normal for a few hours!
I’m also super grateful for the wonderful technology of FaceTime - it means I get to see my brand new nephew Harry everyday. I can’t let him forget who his favourite aunty is!
Most importantly i'm counting down the days to give my family and friends a big bear hug. The bear hug extends to all of the PS family too. Get ready...
I am really grateful that I am part of this awesome team! What has helped me get through this lock down is all the wacky and crackup conversations we tend to tangent to in most of our zoom meetings, it’s a great way to start the day and end the week on Friday (dress-up)!
My cooking skills have been put to the test during the lock down, which has been great, however I am just starting to dream for some takeaways...
I’m really grateful for the wonderful PS team. It’s been so lovely chatting and laughing with them everyday. Especially our legendary quiz nights. It has been so great to talk with people outside of my bubble and have some different faces to look at!
I’m also grateful for the beautiful view of the bay where I live and easy access to bike rides and walks. I will miss my daily ride with my 5 year old, it’s such a lovely way to start the day.
Very happy I finally had time to re-watch the extended edition of The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
In this weird and wacky time I am grateful for my home gym to keep the bod moving, the nespresso machine to keep the coffee flowing and my regular video calls to friends and family (including my 85 year old Nana) which is always filled with great chat, great laughs and most often a cheeky GnT. I love seeing the PS team every morning, our dress up quiz nights and the crazy banter that gets thrown around. Nothing beats a good segue!
I am grateful for the amazing team I work with and the ability to keep somewhat of a schedule. It’s been really helpful to chat with my family and friends over video calls and doing some fun quizzes. Going out for some fresh air has been great, and I’m grateful to have a beach in my bubble’s vicinity! Finally, it’s nice to just sit outside on my deck with a cup of coffee with my fiance and our cat.
I feel very lucky to be living with a big isolation bubble, 8 of us + two pups means I’m never bored or short of someone to talk to! Early morning walks to get some fresh air and stretch my legs before starting working from home has been a lifesaver and stopped me from going stir crazy. I also love daily PS catch ups with the team - makes you feel like you are still in the office!
I’m so grateful that I work with the most amazing people and everyone is there to support each other in these strange times. Having our morning chats perks up my day and keeps me ready and motivated to do the best work I can.
Apart from that, I am lucky to be such a homebody and have many hobbies that I do at home like baking, crocheting, macrame and art. This keeps me well entertained all day everyday! I totally suggest you get a homebody hobby too!